I’m picking up where Michuki left off, says Duale.

Newly appointed Environment Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale has pledged to revive the ambitious dream that his predecessor John Michuki had, with a focus on preserving rivers, forests and greening the country.

Speaking as he was handed the docket by his predecessor Soipan Tuya, now the Defence Cabinet secretary, at Mazingira House in Nairobi, Mr Duale on Monday said he was well-versed with the laws governing the environment, and would implement them fully.

Under his leadership, he said, Nairobi rivers, which are reeling from pollution and encroachment by farmers and private developers, would among his first priorities.

He said Nairobi hosts the headquarters of the United Nations Environment Programme (Unep) and would work closely with Governor Johnson Sakaja to restore the capital’s lost green dream.

The CS fired a warning shot at grabbers of forests and riparian lands, saying their days were numbered.

“We’ll act within the law, and laws are made for citizens. You cannot build on riparian land. You cannot farm on riparian land,” Mr Duale said.

“We can’t have our cake and eat it. If we’ve to clean up Nairobi River, then we must remove the illegal dumpsites across the rivers.”

He also vowed to combat noise pollution even as he called on the matatu saccos to ask their members to install dustbins in vehicles to help deal with the city’s garbage mess.