Murdered bank staffer buried

Florence Mueni Mwalimu, the 34-year-old employee of Cooperative Bank who was murdered and mutilated, was buried yesterday even investigations continue.

Mueni was last seen alive on August 6 before her body was found in a maize plantation not far from her home the following day.

The head had deep cuts, with her ears and some of her fingers missing.

Mueni arrived at her workplace on Tuesday last week. Two hours later, she walked to the manager’s office and sought permission to go home and take her child to hospital. That was the last time she was seen alive.

A post-mortem report later detailed the gruesome death. The ear and fingers were cut while Mueni was still alive.

She was buried in Nkubu, Meru County, in an emotional ceremony attended by family, friends, colleagues and neighbours who demanded justice.

The funeral service was at PCEA Parish, where the white coffin and her photo was placed near the pulpit.

Mueni’s husband Erick Mureithi delivered a moving tribute, with some relatives standing by his side.

He recounted the cherished moments of their life together.

Dressed in a black suit, white shirt and a red tie, Mr Mureithi spoke of his wife’s kindness, support for the family and commitment to work.

He said her death is a blow to the family and that he is still in shock.

“We fell in love while at university in 2012. We had met at a charity event for a needy student. Our marriage was in 2015,” My Mureithi said.

He added that it is difficult accept that his wife is dead as he did not have time to bid her farewell.

“She was taken suddenly, shockingly, painfully and brutally from our family. This is the time our two sons needed their mother the most,” he said.

Mr Mureithi told the mourners that Mueni was family-oriented, adding that she abandoned her master’s degree programme to be with her children and build a happy home.

“We had wonderful plans. I will miss my wife and the memories we shared will never fade. I always looked forward to being together with the children on weekends,” he said.

“How I wish we could reverse time. I cannot express the emptiness inside me but I’m sure she is with the Lord.”

Speaker after speaker urged police to speed up the investigations into the murder and apprehend the culprits.

Mueni’s sons praised her as selfless, generous, loving and funny.

Colleagues said Mueni was diligent, dedicated to her work and kind.

They said she made an impact at the bank as she served with enthusiasm and diligence, adding that Mueni’s death has robbed the bank of a person of high integrity.