Bomet: Chaos erupts as groups clash over county services delivery

Bomet town turned into a battleground on Thursday as protesters clashed with supporters of Governor Hillary Barchok over issues of accountability, prolonged water shortages and poor service delivery.

Hundreds of youths clashed ahead of a planned demonstration to the county headquarters led by politician-businessmen Bildad Cheruiyot and Diaz Kimutai.

The melee took place outside the Brevan Hotel, which had been designated as the rallying point for the demonstrators.

The demonstrators were calling for improved governance, accountability and service delivery, highlighting their frustration at what they perceived as little progress despite substantial resources allocated to the district by the National Treasury.

Criticism was also directed at the county administration for allegedly favouring certain contractors while neglecting others, some of whom have outstanding payments dating back to 2018 and earlier, with outstanding bills dating back to 2014.

Tensions escalated amid a dispute between Senator Hillary Sigei and Governor Barchok over oversight, alleged financial mismanagement and lack of transparency.

Police in riot gear were present but remained observers as the groups clashed and threw stones at each other.

Some tear gas canisters were used to break up the violent confrontations.

Despite the initial clashes, the demonstrators eventually continued their march through the town, closely monitored by the police.

“We gave notice to the police, we got permission to hold the peaceful demonstration and we followed the rules, but the pro-Barchok demonstrators attacked us while the police watched. It is unfortunate that we are in this situation in a peaceful country,” said Mr Cheruiyot.

Shops in the town quickly closed as customers and workers were locked indoors, while tyres were set ablaze at the main bus station as the situation spiralled out of control.

“We were very clear about our petition – that residents have been without water for four months, that Bomet Water and Sanitation Company (Bomwasco) workers have not been paid for 15 months, that the road network is dilapidated and that services have come to a standstill,” said Mr Kimutai.

Interestingly, the majority of demonstrators were young women who braved the stone-throwing and participated in lighting bonfires in the town centre.

Traffic on the Bomet-Kaplong-Kisii and Bomet-Mulot-Narok highways was disrupted for several hours as used tyres were set ablaze on the roads.

Motorists also withdrew their vehicles from the highway as they were pelted with stones, making it difficult to tell which side was responsible.

Professor Barchok told journalists at his office on Wednesday that Senator Sigei had leaked an edited version of the Auditor General’s report, fuelling the revolt against his administration by a section of residents.

Professor Barchok, however, said he was ready to receive the protesters and hear their grievances.

“It is just that they have not told me the dress code – whether it is black, red, white or animal skin. They also did not tell me how many they were, so I could prepare some tea, go to the neighbourhood to get some cups for them…” said Professor Barchok.

Mr Sigei confirmed that he had drawn Professor Barchok’s attention to the damning Auditor General’s report of 21-2022, of which he seemed unaware.

“What the people are demanding is accountability for the funds received and the red flags raised by the residents and the Auditor General,” Mr Sigei said.

Mr Sigei said the residents had a right to picket as enshrined in the 2010 Constitution and that he had no role in the demands being made.

Mr Sigei said the residents had a right to picket as provided for in the Constitution, 2010 and that he had no role in the demands being made.

Bomet residents have gone without water for over four months over unpaid electricity bills owed to Kenya Power, which has risen to almost Sh 26 million.

Bomet residents have been without water for over four months due to unpaid electricity bills to Kenya Power, which have risen to almost Sh26 million.