LSK challenges deployment of KDF to quell protests

The High Court has certified as urgent a petition filed by Law Society of Kenya (LSK) seeking to block the deployment of the military to assist the police in quelling protests.

In a gazette notice on June 25, Defence CS Aden Duale deployed the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) to support the police in responding to security threats allegedly posed by protesters.

Justice Lawrence Mugambi directed the LSK to serve the court papers on the Attorney General Justin Muturi, Mr Duale and other respondents forthwith, for the case to be heard tomorrow (June 27).

The LSK says in the petition that the deployment of the military sends an alarming and chilling message to the spines of many Kenyans who would otherwise have wished to peaceably participate in demonstrations.

It LSK’s argument that the country may be receding into a police state, or that the government is at war with the people.

“The move has been generally considered as an attempt by the Government to muzzle, intimidate, frustrate or curtail the citizens’ right to peacefully protest against the Government, which is a right guaranteed under Article 37 of the Constitution,” LSK chief executive officer Florence Muturi said in an affidavit.

She further said it is generally acknowledged that the military are not best suited and not professionally trained in dealing with internal security matters which involve civilians and the fact that the gazette notice was issued before Parliament’s approval.